Ok hi Assalamualaikum .__.
Soooooooooooooo its a new year huh? a new beginning, new resolutions, new environment, new school, new faces, blaa bla blaa. Im shoo sad cuz today's TUESDAY ~a day that marks the end of my 2-and-a-half-months school break.
*Say hi Skully :')*
In less than a week, i'll go back to my usual boring routines. wake up at 7, go to school, sleep in class, do homework, watch tv for only an hour a day and sleep at 12 am. 12 am? it almost seems like i have curfew or something -_____- during the holidays 12 am is the earliest i've gone to bed D: not to mention tuition classes~ as in plural, yipppieeee :< ok im super duper duper NOT excited about that. i think im gonna die of exhaustion~ being melodramatic here as usual (^^)V. Not only that, my mom told me nuuuuumerous times to not goof around in form 4 and especially in form 5. spm spm spm spm spm spm, psmspsmspmspsm, Just a daily doze of fear injections by my mom, thanks mom :D That's all she talks about! i think i hear "spm" like five times a day now. now im officially allergic to that word -.- and im not even 17 yet! In addition to my huuuge pile of problems and agony, i heard it from a friend who heard it from the lady on the news said that its all gonna be in malay next year, well except for english ofc. he also said that the winning votes are in the favours of those who wants it in malay. okay who the hell voted for that? Changing it to bm all of a sudden is really going to put a big smile on our faces! Ya think?! -_____- now its like we have to learn first grade all over again. Thank you voters :D ~who ever you are -.- Bottom line is, for a person who is easily excitable, is feeling soo sooo soooo Unexcited.