Friday, December 23, 2011

The cherries on top of 2011

Assalamualaikum :D okay for almost 5 months this blog has been abandoned by MEEE :) malas lah nak post pape sebab aku ingat takde org nak bace, rupenyee ade la jugak hehe :p terrimee kaceh yee youu awesome people yg "shout" dekat shoutbox saye :) sorry atk dpt blogwalking balik blog korang :(


Two thousand eleven is coming to an end and soo my pmr results came out ALWEADYYY! 


Okay let me tell yaa, the wait is like torture, i can't sleep at all!! and so my eyes became like veryy veryy zombie-like and dark circles around the eys just adds to the whole new look. trust me, it was NOT PRETTY AT ALL! Then its time! 22nd Dec 2011, just like the past few days, on 21st dec i couldnt sleep as well, dah macam2 posisi dah aku try tido, last last pkol 4 pg aku tertido sebab terdengar alarm mak aku. tidoo la weyy, kang mak aku tau aku tak tido lagi mati aku -.- then the next day, i woke up at 10 am!!!! i was like shittttt, dah lambat! haha. the whole result thing starts at 10 and my hair still looks like a tornado hit me -________________- then i russshhhh russsshhhhhh and keluar rumah pergi jemput Anis :D Lepas tu baru aku perasan, aku lupa pakai bedak haha. memang macam tak mandi lah muka aku :p Okay sampai sekolah aku langkaaahhh besaar besaaarr dengan kaki kanan, and berdoa banyak banyak!! Masuk dewan, and jumpe Wan Zulfikar. Immediately he said, " Anis kau 8a pegilah kat depan" . Then i ask, "aku aku?" Wan just shooks his head and sigh -.- Then Fatihin cakap " Yana kau dapat straight A's lah pegi depan amek slip kau". OKAY, Wan, that wasssss soooooooo awesomee! No one's ever made me feel like DYING!! My jaw totally dropped and aku pon heret Anis sekali pergi depan sebab dia pon 8A jugak yaaaayyyyy!! Alhamdulillah :) Thank you Allah, Thank you ibu and ayah, Thank you teachers and Thank you cousins and friendsz :DDD So that's me story of zee happiest day of ma lifee. nuff said :D
Also congratulations cousins for getting awesome results too. I love youu guysss 

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